Sponsor Info

Cars and Coffee Morrisville
Sponsor Info

  1. Parking spaces for sponsors are provided on a first come, first served basis. 
  2. Spaces fill up quickly, we advise you to arrive and begin setting up between 6:00-6:30 am on the morning of the show. 
  3. Pricing for yearlong sponsorships:
    1. 3 spaces/$500 
    2. 6 spaces/$750
    3. 9 spaces/$1000 
    4. 12 spaces/$1,250
  1. We also offer a one month “Featured Sponsor” option for $500/month. 
    1. Featured Sponsor receives special, reserved spots, in the VIP area. 
    2. It will be noted on our social media accounts that you are the “Featured Sponsor” for the month. 
    3. It is not required that a Featured Sponsor purchase a yearlong sponsorship; however, if you already have an existing yearlong sponsorship and then purchase a Featured Sponsorship, the yearlong sponsorship is automatically extended by one month.
  1. If you wish to become a sponsor of the event, please provide the information requested below and the board will make best efforts to approve/deny your request within 72 hours. If your request is approved, you will be sent a link to review and agree to the Terms and Conditions of being a sponsor and render payment. 
  2. Your sponsorship begins on and is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase.
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